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TIM CRESPIN BIO - Arlington Artists
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Tim Crespin’s passion for hairdressing started at an early age and he has been based in London, New York, Paris and now back in London.

His creativity and skill have led him to work with the best magazines around the globe including Vogue, Marie Claire, Glamour and Elle.

The vast list of amazing photographers he has collaborated with include Patrick Demarchelier, Terry Richardson, Neil Kirk, Juergen Teller and Jason Hetherington.

Celebrities clients are numerous.. Carey Mulligan, Alexa Chung, Elle Macpherson, Naomi Watts and Liv Tyler amongst many others.

Advertising work includes Gap, Nike, M&S, J Crew, Dove, DNKY and Oil of Olay.

Tim’s experience is endless, his talent enormous and his energy boundless.

A fabulous man.